Over the past few years, the online casino industry has developed tremendously. Thanks to increasingly modern technology and fast internet connections, online casinos can now offer much more to players than before.
But what can we all expect from online casinos in the year 2021? If you are curious about this, continue reading below.
Online Casinos Today
Playing casino games is becoming increasingly popular. The number of players who create an account at an online casino continues to increase every year. The online casinos you can play currently do not have a Dutch license since this was not possible.
That doesn’t mean that the available online casinos don’t operate legally. It is, in fact, also possible to obtain licenses from abroad. Online casinos that want to obtain a license from abroad must adhere to strict conditions. Otherwise, the license will not be issued.
Online Casinos As of 2021
By mid-2021, it will be possible to operate as an online casino on the Dutch market legally. It is expected that casinos can apply for a license as of October 1, 2021.
Do you want to apply for a license for your online casino? It is important that you meet certain strict requirements and rules according to the Law on Distance Gaming (KoA). Any online casino that can show that it adheres to these requirements can receive a license. This means that you will soon have quite a lot of choices if you want to gamble online as a player. Holland Casino Online will also be coming in the year 2021. This is something we are very curious about ourselves.
The Current Situation
Currently, you as a player are not fully protected when you play in an online casino. In addition, there is little or no supervision of players who show any form of addictive behaviour while playing. Also, players who continue playing for too long are not easily addressed.
The Changes in 2021
By 2021 a lot will change for online casinos. For example, there will be a prevention policy to prevent gambling addiction among vulnerable groups and minors. In addition, if you gamble too much, you can be registered with the Central Register of Gambling Deregistrations, which means you can no longer gamble for a certain period of time. There may be no more advertising for online casinos or collaborating partners. Furthermore, the tax liability shifts from the player to the online casino and thus, the profits are paid directly to the tax authorities. Finally, from 2021 onwards, you will also be able to turn to the Dutch Gaming Authority if you have questions or problems about an online casino.
The gaming experience will go way up once the new KoA law takes effect in 2021. Players will be able to choose from several online casinos, which will all be able to offer their services legally in the Dutch market.
In 2020, many new registrations were registered at various online casinos. The number of new players is growing all the time, and in 2021 it will only get more so. Are you going to take a gamble at an online casino soon? Choose a reliable casino and play responsibly.
Last Updated on September 26, 2021 by